Friday, January 2, 2015

The Cause of the Civil War and its Impact on American Freedoms, Liberties, and Rights

I wrote this as a research paper for a history class I had taken in college. I really enjoy learning about true history and I really got involved when learning about Lincoln during his reign as 'Dictator of America'. It was surprising even to me to learn everything that this man stood for which blatantly go against what every body has been taught about dear old 'Honest Abe'. It was fascinating to me that the government of America could hide the truth about this man from almost all of America's citizens so well. I found several books which exposed the real Lincoln. I urge people to not just stop here, but to go and read information for themselves, to search for the truth themselves and for their family. History is important and it should be studied and read. I know of so many people who would rather read fantasy and fiction to history and facts. Even my sister tells me, "Carrie, only you read historical books as a past time!" I always have to reply, "I'd rather read fact than fiction. I'd rather read about real events and real people than fairies and pixie dust!" So many people just don't get it. Another thing I hear a lot of young people say is "What is so important about a bunch of dead people? They're dead, who cares?!" or "That stuff is so boring!" What these people don't understand and have been conditioned to ignore is the major advantage of knowing the history of one's nation and the world. If you don't learn from history, you are bound to repeat it. You can't learn from history if you don't know your history, now can you? No, you can't. When American's do not invest their time learning about the history of their country they will never know the true meaning of the freedom that was purchased for them, not by them, but for them. Because of this, America ends up with citizens who would willingly give up their freedoms because they don't understand the importance of those freedoms and they care even less about it because they don't recognize what it took to gain those freedoms. But that is another post entirely! This paper that I wrote outlines the true purpose of the Civil War and debunks some myths of the North and South's slavery debates and opinions and gives some insight about how the Civil War impacted and continues to impact America and the freedoms she provides. Keep in mind, this paper was limited to only about 3 pages and I ended up going over that a bit. In other words, it has definite room for expansion as I wasn't allowed to expand it as much as I would have liked. I am including my sources in case any of you would wish to look them up for yourselves. Let me know what you think, and, most importantly, get the word out!

The Cause of the Civil War and its Impact on American Freedoms, Liberties, and Rights
It is a common misconception that with the end of the American Civil War came freedom from slavery and American prosperity for all. The truth is that with the end of the Civil War came a silent, little-known war that still rages to this day. I will describe the cause of the Civil War and, through the use of historical facts, propose the case that Lincoln was a dictator and that America has been enslaved for over a century.
Many think that the sole cause of the Civil War was slavery. Granted, slavery ended up playing a big role after the start of the War Between the States, but it was definitely not the cause. Slavery was not even mentioned as a reason for southern rebellion until 18 months after the start of the war. Truthfully, slavery in the southern states was not as prominent as some would like to believe. Only twenty-five percent of the Southern United States owned slaves and not only were slaves the property of southerners, but also of northerners. In fact, many northern states admonished abolition. Many of these states established black codes, just as did the southerners, which withheld blacks certain liberties and rights. Several newspapers in the North contained white supremacy opinions. The Philadelphia Daily News, on November 22, 1860, stated, “It is neither for the good of the colored race nor of our own that they should continue to dwell among us to any considerable extent. The two races can never exist in conjunction except as superior and inferior… The African is naturally the inferior race” (Perkins, 1964, p. 425). The Michigan Republican, in 1861 said, “This government was made for the benefit of the white race… and not for Negroes” (Perkins, 1964, p. 499). The Daily Chicago Times said, “evil and nothing but evil, has ever followed in the track of this hideous monster, abolition…Let the slave alone-send him back to his master where he belongs” (Perkins, 1964, p. 431). Several other popular northern papers said similar things when talking about slaves and the abolition of slavery. Lincoln was also opposed to freedom for slaves and wanted them to stay in slavery. “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it…” (Lincoln, 1862). Lincoln’s secretary of state said, “We show our sympathy with slavery by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set them free” (Randall and Donald, 1969, p. 381). The New York World said, somewhat sarcastically, “The President has purposely made the proclamation inoperative in all places where we have gained a military footing which makes the slaves accessible. He has proclaimed emancipation only where he has notoriously no power to execute it. The exemption of the accessible parts of Louisiana, Tennessee, and Virginia renders the proclamation not merely futile, but ridiculous” (Perkins, 1964, p. 438).
The cause of the war was actually just the reaction between states trying to keep their rights and the President trying to keep the Union. The government started telling the states what they could and could not do which the states highly opposed and regarded as far reaching government rule. The states that reacted to this the most was the southern states including South Carolina, Texas, Missouri, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Louisiana, who decided to secede from the Union and form their own independent governments. With the sudden massive secession of states from the Union, Lincoln became determined to keep the Union together.
Was the war necessary? It depends. The war was necessary to keep the Union together, albeit very unnecessary for America and the abolishment of slavery. At the end of the war we had a casualty and debt rate far surmountable to any other war previous. There were 620,000 deaths as a result and a debt rate over 41 percent higher than it was previous. Many countries in Central and South America abolished slavery peacefully in the 1800’s, during the same time period as the Civil War. The war was not only unnecessary but also unconstitutional because each state has its own government, constitution, laws, and flag, and had every right to secede if they so wished. “The Union was formed by the voluntary agreement of the States; and in uniting together they have not forfeited their nationality, nor have they been reduced to the condition of one and the same people. If one of the states chooses to withdraw from the compact, it would be difficult to disprove its right of doing so, and the Federal Government would have no means of maintaining its claims either by force or right” (de Tocqueville, 1945, p. 381).
Lincoln is believed to be one of the best presidents in U.S. history by Americans across the nation. However, when one fully researches Lincoln’s actions and the laws he instituted, one can easily come to the conclusion that Lincoln was neither great nor a president, in the meaning of the term, but rather a dictator self-appointed. A dictator is defined as, “a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute unrestricted control…” (, 2014). A dictator rules a country with absolute control, and in America a president who refuses to abide by the Constitution and the limits it places upon him is no longer a president but instead is a tyrant. It is not a secret to many that Lincoln was a dictator. “Dictatorship played a decisive role in the North’s successful effort to maintain the Union by force of arms…one man was the government of the United States…Lincoln was a great dictator…This great constitutional dictator was self-appointed” (Rossiter, 1948). Other such historians like James Ford Rhodes and James G. Randall, as well as many others, expressed similar views. Lincoln “launched an invasion of the South without consulting Congress, as required by the Constitution; declared martial law; blockaded the Southern ports; suspended the writ of habeas corpus; imprisoned thousands of Northern citizens without trial; arrested and imprisoned newspaper publishers who were critical of him; censored all telegraph communication; nationalized the railroads;… ordered Federal troops to interfere with elections in the North by intimidating Democratic voters;… confiscated private property and firearms; and effectively gutted the ninth and tenth amendments to the Constitution” completely trampling over it and ridding us the rights provided to every American citizen (DiLorenzo, 2003, p. 131-132). He also instated “war powers” which he supposedly took from the presidential oath dictated by the Constitution which says, in part, “take care that the laws be faithfully executed… to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” (p. 134). This simply directs the President to make sure that the laws are written, passed, and abided by in the way in which they should be and to keep the Constitution protected. It says nothing about the federal government declaring war on its own states or states that have seceded. If anything, it gives the states the right to declare war on the federal government when the federal government starts encroaching on the sovereign states rights. Lincoln declared martial law on Congress and on most of the states in America and he suspended the writ of habeas corpus. Martial law is “the law applied in occupied territory by the military authority of the occupying power” (Merriam-Webster, 2014). Although it is said that martial law is only temporary and only lasts as long as the war, martial law can actually continue indefinitely (Merriam-Webster, 2014). In the Lieber code it states that martial law only ceases with a special proclamation made by the Commander-in-Chief or by special mention in the peace treaty at the end of the war (Lieber Code, Article 2). During the Civil War there was no proclamation ending martial law as Lincoln was assassinated before he could. Because Lincoln, acting as Commander-in-Chief, and every Commander-in-Chief after him has not issued a proclamation relieving American citizens from the rule and authority brought by martial law, we are still under its power today. What does this mean? This means that the government has the legal means to commandeer American citizen’s land, food, food-related resources (i.e. cattle, livestock), and basically anything they want. Martial law also takes away all civil liberties granted to Americans through the Constitution. “Eighty-five years after the Independence of the United States, seven southern nation states of America walked out of the Second Session of the thirty-sixth Congress on March 27, 1861. In so doing, the Constitutional due process quorum necessary for Congress to vote was lost and Congress was adjourned sine die, or ‘without day’. This meant that there was no lawful quorum to set a specific day and time to reconvene which, according to Roberts Rules of Order, dissolved Congress… Lincoln’s second Executive Order of April 1861 called Congress back into session days later, but not under the lawful authority, or lawful due process, of the constitution… Lincoln called Congress into session under authority of martial law. Since April of 1861, ‘Congress’ has not met based on lawful due process” (Epperly, 2009). Because Congress was dissolved, they had no legal power to convene or to pass laws. Therefore, Abraham Lincoln started writing the executive order. Since Lincoln never suspended the current authority of martial law, Congress, as well as the states in America, has lost their rights. Today, Congress convening is basically a large-scale production put on for the benefit, or rather hurt, of the American people. If we have lost our freedoms, liberties, and rights, provided to us in the Constitution of the United States of America, due to one man, why would we worship him as much as we do today, let alone revere him as the greatest president in American history?

What we should be fighting against now is what we fought against in the American Revolution: “taxation without representation.” We are paying taxes to a corrupt government with dictators as its leaders. Our so-called presidents supposedly elected “by the people for the people” are doing good for the country’s citizens as did Hitler to the Jews! They have lied to the American people for over a century about what really happened before, during, and right after the Civil War without even the blink of an eye. America’s “leaders” do not protect their citizens, but rather, lead us blindly to the slaughter. Lincoln has been known for his eloquent speeches and quotes, one of the most famous being, “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free… It will become all one thing or all the other” (Lincoln, 1858). I guess Mr. Lincoln decided to make us all the same: Slaves to our own government. As the 16th President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln wrapped himself in the “Red, White, and Blue” portraying the appearance of a humble “Honest Abe” which couldn’t be further from the truth. Instead of being the greatest president in all of American history, as he is still regarded to this day, Lincoln had become one of the worst president’s America had ever seen. Perhaps this of Lincoln’s infamous quotes is the reigning truth, “In saving the Union, I have destroyed the Republic,” which is America, the assumed “land of the free” (Lincoln, 1863). 
Dictator. 2014 In Retrieved April 19, 2014, From
DiLorenzo, T. J. (2003). Was Lincoln a Dictator?. The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War (). New York: Three Rivers Press.
Epperly, G. (2009, August 16). Memorandum of Law on the Name. Retrieved April 19, 2014, from
Lincoln, A., & Lieber, F. (2008, January 1). General Orders No. 100 : The Lieber Code . Yale Law School. Retrieved April 15, 2014, from
Lincoln, A., “Letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862,” in Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings, ed. Roy Basler (New York: Da Capo Press, 1946), p. 652
Martial Law. 2014 In Retrieved April 19, 2014, From
Martin, I. C. (2008). A House Divided. The Quotable American Civil War (). Guilford: The Lyons Press.
Perkins, H. (1964). Northern Editorials on Secession. Gloucester, Massachusetts: Peter Smith.
Randall, J. G., & Donald, D. (1969). The Civil War and Reconstruction. Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath.
Rossiter, C. (1948). Constitutional Dictator. New York: Harcourt Brace.
Tocqueville, A. d. (1835). Democracy in America. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House.

For Freedom and the Republic!
Carrie Preston

Monday, March 11, 2013

It Starts at Home

     Taking back America starts at home. America was once a nation where children were raised with two (opposite-sex) parents in the household where the women actually stayed home and took care of them and raised them to follow in their footsteps and who usually grew up to be patriotic men and women of God. They respected God, their parents, their spouses, their children, and understood the sanctity of a human life. America has slowly become amoral and silently the elite's have been chipping away at our freedom's to where it has definitely made an impact on society and our country as a nation.

"We have raised 4 generations of citizens that do not know our history correctly or our Constitution! The government schools do not teach government properly. They teach us to be servants to them and not the other way around! Those that are elected are the servants because they are only there by the consent of the governed! We are being raised to be good little compliant comrades and believe that America and her citizens are evil selfish people that are beasts and over consumers. We are the reason that world is suffering from poverty and global warming. We are the reason there are wars. What a load of CRAP!!! That is why I chose to home school my children and now my grandchildren. At least they know the truth. The unlearned that are dumbed down on purpose by the ruling elite are the low intelligent voters that we are always talking about. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of other issues that a lot of those that should know don't. They don't seem to understand that if you take federal money, there are always strings attached to it. They don't seem to understand that the day our parents and grandparents allowed their public servants to pass legislation taking away the legislative branch of governments ability to make policy and vote on it and hand it over to hirelings, (non elected bureaucrats) that only answer to the President, not us the voting public, we signed our death warrant so to speak as a free nation! This is where all of the "regulatory" agencies came from, our city and county managers, and oh yes...our "community organizers" came from. Prior to 1953 as far as I've been able to research this, there were no such agencies. But this has been a work in progress over the past nearly 60+ years. It is time we start by taking our families back, our back yard, our neighborhood, our city, then our county, then our state, and then just maybe we can get a handle on taking the country back and instituting freedom. Get your own house in order first and then work on the rest of it." ~ Cheri Preston

Everything stated above is pure truth and it should be heeded by all who wish to live on in a free country and by those who desire to give their children all that they can and by those who want America and her ways that made her strong to survive.  It is so urgent that we, as a nation united, have to stand together, arm-in-arm to support the America that we desire and deserve. The elected "officials" that are currently in office are only there because they were voted in by the American people.

Get your ducks in a row, get all the information you can, call your local, state, and national servants and threaten them with their elected positions. You don't have to vote them in and you can certainly get them out if they do not serve YOU as is stated for them to do so in the constitution. They are your voice and make decisions based upon the will of the people not based upon their every desire. They are there for nothing more than to serve you. Tell them that and throw it in their faces. They may eventually get a clue.

Keep trying and never give up.

A nation who gives up is a nation always bound to fail and fail miserably.

For Freedom and the Republic!

Carrie Preston

Friday, February 1, 2013

The American Nazi Party Alive and Well, or Are The Democrats Nazi's?

You just thought the Nazi Party was destroyed a long time ago! It is not. It is just as much alive now as it was during WWII, the only difference being, it's not as vocal. The Nazi's have the same ideas as they did then. Nothing has changed. But, now they have infiltrated our country. There is the American Nazi Party, a group of Nazi's who are willing to fight for what they once had over in Germany, not that long ago.

America is going down an icy slope, and you always find something more to add to the avalanche as you further research things out. It is a dangerous path that we find ourselves on today in our country that once was the super power of the world. I think the new super power in this world is China, and obviously the American government wants it that way, seeing as how they let China purchase some of our land and continues to further indebt us to them.

Going back to the Nazi Party, they were, and still are, truly a racist group of individuals who are against many things our country was founded upon; the very things the Democratic Party are trying to "change".

So, is the Democratic Party the same as the Nazi Party? Well, I'll let you answer that question.

 Here are the many similarities between the two parties. They both are against capitalism, big business, Jewish capitalism, Jews, America, homeschooling, self independence from the government, Almighty God, and Freedom. They are both for environmentalism, abortion, eugenics, euthanasia, globalized healthcare, the devaluing of human life and worshiping of animals, the act of fellow citizens and neighbors ratting each other out to the government, communism and national socialism, Satan and witchcraft; and that's just to name a few. Oh, they are also for the killing off of their opposite race. What I find interesting about it though is the fact that while Hitler was half Jew, he made it his duty to kill them and while Obama is half white, he has made it his goal to do off with the white race. Sounds like they come from the same cloth if you ask me.

The Nazi Party was a big supporter of Occupy Wall Street, as was the majority of Democrats. Check out their Facebook page, American Nazi's. They use the most foul language you would ever see. Also, check out their website, They tell exactly what they believe, all you have to do is read it. I can guarantee you, by the time you get done reading the first couple sentences, there will be no doubt about who the real racist are. And yet, the Democratic Party has the same ideology as the Nazi's do when it comes to government and human life? Who are the racist now?

An evil camouflaged in "change" or the helping of the country's citizens is what we are currently facing today. It has worked pretty good for them too. The people of America have turned their backs and have become so unattached toward the freedom's and liberties that once were ours without doubt, that now the remaining are wondering for how long will we remain free?

The Nazi Party is rising, and it won't be long until they take over if someone doesn't stop them!

Yours for Freedom and the Republic!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Guns are not the problem

There has been an abundance of social media rants on the gun issue. The leftists media is discrediting and portraying the 2nd amendment advocates as a bunch of idiots. Guns are not the problem. Right now as we speak Obama and Hillary Clinton beside him, are trying to take our right to bear arms away from us, the American People. And, whats worse, we are almost letting them get away with it.

Turn on the news, what do you see? You probably hear about shootings across the country, right? You should be asking a different question. What is it you don't see? You don't see the reports of scores of people being saved by themselves or someone nearby owning a gun. You don't see the incidents where other methods of killing are being used. You don't see the faces of the lives that are saved everyday by those who have a concealed carry license. What you are not seeing is reality, what the media doesn't want you to see.

Joe Biden, vice president, has been put in charge of the gun control issue. Which, by the way, should be a conflict of interest with him, seeing as how he has 2 shotguns himself and is not willing to give them up as he stated at the United Mine Workers of America's annual fish fry in Castlewood, Virginia. If he was so worried about guns being used to kill, why did he go out and buy himself two guns? Was he planning on doing some killing? And, if it's the guns fault that bullets are fired and kill people, he sure doesn't want to be anywhere a gun is, right? So why is it he has them?

Look at the FBI statistics, guns are used more to protect than they are to be criminally used. In Florida gun rates have risen but, not surprisingly, criminal activity with guns has decreased. While, in Chicago, the amount of citizens owning guns has decreased, crime rates have increased. Obama, if you remember correctly, was Senator of Illinois and signed an exceedingly large amount of bills calling for the banning of firearms. If it hasn't worked in Illinois, more specifically Chicago, then why would it work for a country that has always had the right to protect themselves? The disarmament of this country is being used so that the American People will not be capable of defending and protecting themselves and their family from the coming new world order and Antichrist.

 People in this country have become lazy, stupid, and dependent upon others to provide for them. It is time for the American People, the "We The People" in the constitution, to wake up, smell the coffee, and fight for what is rightfully theirs! If you don't, who will? What will become of this great country that God has blessed us all with? What will become of the freedoms that the founding fathers and all who have given their lives strove to keep? What will become of our lives as we know them? What will become of our children's and grandchildren's lives? What will become of The United States America?!

 As you ask yourself these questions, keep in mind what happened to the multitudes of Jews, Christians, and others who lost their lives during the reign of Hitler and Stalin all because they didn't Stand Up for what they believed.

Yours for Freedom and the Republic!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The RFID Chip in Obama's Health Care Bill?

  I know there has been a lot of talk about this RFID chip being a hoax and a fake. It is not. The RFID chip is a radio frequency chip that stores and keeps track of your bank account, medical records, and other personal information such as your address, workplace, and where you are at all times. In other words, it is a device used by the government as a surveillance camera to watch your every doing and to know where you are every minute of every day. It is only a bit bigger than a grain of rice and is implanted in your right hand or forehead underneath the skin.

 President Obama's Healthcare Bill, HR3200, that was passed and signed into law, requires all U.S citizens to have the RFID chip implanted in their bodies. The RFID chip has been around for a few years, if not more than we think, and allows the government just another, and more aggressive way, to control the population in America and I'm sure the rest of the world. This required chip will be forced upon the people of America by March 23, 2013. It may be a slow process, but eventually will be inevitable. They will probably go to the homeless and to those who can't afford their way, to take the chip before they move on to the middle class and those who know the truth.

If you want to find the information about this for yourself, it is bill H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pg. 1001, paragraph 1. According to page 1004, dictating the timing of the chip, it says, "Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment." 

This is very serious. A warning to everyone, DO NOT take this chip! This is the mark of the beast!
Revelation 13:16 -18 ~ "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
Revelation 14:9-12 ~ "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, 'If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.'"
If you accept the mark of the beast (the RFID chip?), you will be thrown into the lake of fire and will never enter the gates of heaven!

I would advise everyone to think about the consequences of taking the mark. Granted, if you don't, you will not be able to buy, sell, trade, get medicare, or probably hold a job; but the alternative is far worse. You will forever be in hell if you do take the mark of the beast.

Thank You for reading this... Yours For Freedom and The Republic!

Carrie Preston

Monday, December 3, 2012

Racism? You Really Think We Care About The Color?

  As you watch the news you have probably noticed that the word "Racist" has come up quite frequently. The news media turns everything back around to the race of our president. They claim that the whole Republican Party's agenda is to put the blacks "back in chains" as the vice president to Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, made so abundantly clear during the President's last campaign to win the White House.

I am here to tell you that the Republican Party's goal is not to put the blacks "back in chains"! If anything, it is the Democrat's agenda to put the whole United States in chains. They want the American citizens who stand up for freedom, the constitution, and everything America was built upon destroyed. They want world domination, a socialist; communist; and globalist state, in which only the far up elite get to rule. That is tyrannical governance!

The American citizens who stand up for what is right and what is written in the constitution DON'T care about the color of the president! We care about the future and the consequences the president's choices put upon the United States of America.

Thanks for reading this......Yours For Freedom and The Republic!

Carrie Preston

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America Voted for Communism

Yesterday, Nov. 6, 2012, Americans voted for Communism.  They may or may not understand that this is what they voted for, but alas, it is.  The American Communist Party has made an apparent victory in having
a socialist Marxist like Barack H. Obama, re-elected to a second term as President.

Where have we gone wrong?  Communism and socialism used to be ideals that only third world countries and tyrannical regimes ascribed too!  What happened yesterday is a clear testament to the "left's" indoctrination of our young in our "public schools".  Our schools and colleges are teaching one worldism and they are using socialism as their foundational path to do it.

I looked up the "American Communist Party" on Facebook, and I saw in the banner, people holding union signs for Obama.  I saw signs supporting green energy and all things "green".  I saw people of all backgrounds and color holding these signs in this banner for their home page.  It struck very strange that these same kind of signs and people are also displayed on the Democrats public page.  I also noted that the President uses the word "sustainable" a lot and noticed that in most of the periodicals that you read today, that word is used when speaking about energy, the environment, and our nation's resources.  I also noticed that the Communists' are also throwing this word around in their writings as well as the Democratic writers.

I believe I have hit upon a great truth.  Which is, the American Communist Party, the National Democratic Party, The Labor Unions, The Teacher Unions, and the Environmental groups are all the same people! I believe that to that list we could also add the National Abortion Rights League!

When you consider the policies of  Communist China's one child per family laws, abortion is on demand there and the government pays for it.  The Labor Unions of the Soviet Union past and present.  Now thrust upon the world stage via the U.S. and the U.N. is super hyper environmentalism!

The dictator's of the world threw a party last night!  How they must have toasted the Americans that voted for their favorite form of government!  With this, we will lose more of our God given rights, our human rights, and our right to bear arms.  Hillary Clinton already has the treaty for ratification in hand to disarm America.

I am sure the printing presses at the FED are gearing up for the next Trillion dollar spending spree for President Obama and he will assuredly bankrupt our country over the next four years!  I am sure that the aides to the Obama cabinet are clinking their wine glasses together in celebration of another four years at the taxpayer expense, office parties and ridiculous excessive spending on paperclips, cups, ect.

We hope here at Stand Up For Freedom, to give you, the citizens of this country enough information to not only become involved in the local and state government process, but give you valid documentation to assist you in righting this wrong over the next four years.

Thanks for reading this.....Yours For Freedom and The Republic!

Cheri Preston