Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America Voted for Communism

Yesterday, Nov. 6, 2012, Americans voted for Communism.  They may or may not understand that this is what they voted for, but alas, it is.  The American Communist Party has made an apparent victory in having
a socialist Marxist like Barack H. Obama, re-elected to a second term as President.

Where have we gone wrong?  Communism and socialism used to be ideals that only third world countries and tyrannical regimes ascribed too!  What happened yesterday is a clear testament to the "left's" indoctrination of our young in our "public schools".  Our schools and colleges are teaching one worldism and they are using socialism as their foundational path to do it.

I looked up the "American Communist Party" on Facebook, and I saw in the banner, people holding union signs for Obama.  I saw signs supporting green energy and all things "green".  I saw people of all backgrounds and color holding these signs in this banner for their home page.  It struck very strange that these same kind of signs and people are also displayed on the Democrats public page.  I also noted that the President uses the word "sustainable" a lot and noticed that in most of the periodicals that you read today, that word is used when speaking about energy, the environment, and our nation's resources.  I also noticed that the Communists' are also throwing this word around in their writings as well as the Democratic writers.

I believe I have hit upon a great truth.  Which is, the American Communist Party, the National Democratic Party, The Labor Unions, The Teacher Unions, and the Environmental groups are all the same people! I believe that to that list we could also add the National Abortion Rights League!

When you consider the policies of  Communist China's one child per family laws, abortion is on demand there and the government pays for it.  The Labor Unions of the Soviet Union past and present.  Now thrust upon the world stage via the U.S. and the U.N. is super hyper environmentalism!

The dictator's of the world threw a party last night!  How they must have toasted the Americans that voted for their favorite form of government!  With this, we will lose more of our God given rights, our human rights, and our right to bear arms.  Hillary Clinton already has the treaty for ratification in hand to disarm America.

I am sure the printing presses at the FED are gearing up for the next Trillion dollar spending spree for President Obama and he will assuredly bankrupt our country over the next four years!  I am sure that the aides to the Obama cabinet are clinking their wine glasses together in celebration of another four years at the taxpayer expense, office parties and ridiculous excessive spending on paperclips, cups, ect.

We hope here at Stand Up For Freedom, to give you, the citizens of this country enough information to not only become involved in the local and state government process, but give you valid documentation to assist you in righting this wrong over the next four years.

Thanks for reading this.....Yours For Freedom and The Republic!

Cheri Preston