Monday, March 11, 2013

It Starts at Home

     Taking back America starts at home. America was once a nation where children were raised with two (opposite-sex) parents in the household where the women actually stayed home and took care of them and raised them to follow in their footsteps and who usually grew up to be patriotic men and women of God. They respected God, their parents, their spouses, their children, and understood the sanctity of a human life. America has slowly become amoral and silently the elite's have been chipping away at our freedom's to where it has definitely made an impact on society and our country as a nation.

"We have raised 4 generations of citizens that do not know our history correctly or our Constitution! The government schools do not teach government properly. They teach us to be servants to them and not the other way around! Those that are elected are the servants because they are only there by the consent of the governed! We are being raised to be good little compliant comrades and believe that America and her citizens are evil selfish people that are beasts and over consumers. We are the reason that world is suffering from poverty and global warming. We are the reason there are wars. What a load of CRAP!!! That is why I chose to home school my children and now my grandchildren. At least they know the truth. The unlearned that are dumbed down on purpose by the ruling elite are the low intelligent voters that we are always talking about. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of other issues that a lot of those that should know don't. They don't seem to understand that if you take federal money, there are always strings attached to it. They don't seem to understand that the day our parents and grandparents allowed their public servants to pass legislation taking away the legislative branch of governments ability to make policy and vote on it and hand it over to hirelings, (non elected bureaucrats) that only answer to the President, not us the voting public, we signed our death warrant so to speak as a free nation! This is where all of the "regulatory" agencies came from, our city and county managers, and oh yes...our "community organizers" came from. Prior to 1953 as far as I've been able to research this, there were no such agencies. But this has been a work in progress over the past nearly 60+ years. It is time we start by taking our families back, our back yard, our neighborhood, our city, then our county, then our state, and then just maybe we can get a handle on taking the country back and instituting freedom. Get your own house in order first and then work on the rest of it." ~ Cheri Preston

Everything stated above is pure truth and it should be heeded by all who wish to live on in a free country and by those who desire to give their children all that they can and by those who want America and her ways that made her strong to survive.  It is so urgent that we, as a nation united, have to stand together, arm-in-arm to support the America that we desire and deserve. The elected "officials" that are currently in office are only there because they were voted in by the American people.

Get your ducks in a row, get all the information you can, call your local, state, and national servants and threaten them with their elected positions. You don't have to vote them in and you can certainly get them out if they do not serve YOU as is stated for them to do so in the constitution. They are your voice and make decisions based upon the will of the people not based upon their every desire. They are there for nothing more than to serve you. Tell them that and throw it in their faces. They may eventually get a clue.

Keep trying and never give up.

A nation who gives up is a nation always bound to fail and fail miserably.

For Freedom and the Republic!

Carrie Preston

Friday, February 1, 2013

The American Nazi Party Alive and Well, or Are The Democrats Nazi's?

You just thought the Nazi Party was destroyed a long time ago! It is not. It is just as much alive now as it was during WWII, the only difference being, it's not as vocal. The Nazi's have the same ideas as they did then. Nothing has changed. But, now they have infiltrated our country. There is the American Nazi Party, a group of Nazi's who are willing to fight for what they once had over in Germany, not that long ago.

America is going down an icy slope, and you always find something more to add to the avalanche as you further research things out. It is a dangerous path that we find ourselves on today in our country that once was the super power of the world. I think the new super power in this world is China, and obviously the American government wants it that way, seeing as how they let China purchase some of our land and continues to further indebt us to them.

Going back to the Nazi Party, they were, and still are, truly a racist group of individuals who are against many things our country was founded upon; the very things the Democratic Party are trying to "change".

So, is the Democratic Party the same as the Nazi Party? Well, I'll let you answer that question.

 Here are the many similarities between the two parties. They both are against capitalism, big business, Jewish capitalism, Jews, America, homeschooling, self independence from the government, Almighty God, and Freedom. They are both for environmentalism, abortion, eugenics, euthanasia, globalized healthcare, the devaluing of human life and worshiping of animals, the act of fellow citizens and neighbors ratting each other out to the government, communism and national socialism, Satan and witchcraft; and that's just to name a few. Oh, they are also for the killing off of their opposite race. What I find interesting about it though is the fact that while Hitler was half Jew, he made it his duty to kill them and while Obama is half white, he has made it his goal to do off with the white race. Sounds like they come from the same cloth if you ask me.

The Nazi Party was a big supporter of Occupy Wall Street, as was the majority of Democrats. Check out their Facebook page, American Nazi's. They use the most foul language you would ever see. Also, check out their website, They tell exactly what they believe, all you have to do is read it. I can guarantee you, by the time you get done reading the first couple sentences, there will be no doubt about who the real racist are. And yet, the Democratic Party has the same ideology as the Nazi's do when it comes to government and human life? Who are the racist now?

An evil camouflaged in "change" or the helping of the country's citizens is what we are currently facing today. It has worked pretty good for them too. The people of America have turned their backs and have become so unattached toward the freedom's and liberties that once were ours without doubt, that now the remaining are wondering for how long will we remain free?

The Nazi Party is rising, and it won't be long until they take over if someone doesn't stop them!

Yours for Freedom and the Republic!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Guns are not the problem

There has been an abundance of social media rants on the gun issue. The leftists media is discrediting and portraying the 2nd amendment advocates as a bunch of idiots. Guns are not the problem. Right now as we speak Obama and Hillary Clinton beside him, are trying to take our right to bear arms away from us, the American People. And, whats worse, we are almost letting them get away with it.

Turn on the news, what do you see? You probably hear about shootings across the country, right? You should be asking a different question. What is it you don't see? You don't see the reports of scores of people being saved by themselves or someone nearby owning a gun. You don't see the incidents where other methods of killing are being used. You don't see the faces of the lives that are saved everyday by those who have a concealed carry license. What you are not seeing is reality, what the media doesn't want you to see.

Joe Biden, vice president, has been put in charge of the gun control issue. Which, by the way, should be a conflict of interest with him, seeing as how he has 2 shotguns himself and is not willing to give them up as he stated at the United Mine Workers of America's annual fish fry in Castlewood, Virginia. If he was so worried about guns being used to kill, why did he go out and buy himself two guns? Was he planning on doing some killing? And, if it's the guns fault that bullets are fired and kill people, he sure doesn't want to be anywhere a gun is, right? So why is it he has them?

Look at the FBI statistics, guns are used more to protect than they are to be criminally used. In Florida gun rates have risen but, not surprisingly, criminal activity with guns has decreased. While, in Chicago, the amount of citizens owning guns has decreased, crime rates have increased. Obama, if you remember correctly, was Senator of Illinois and signed an exceedingly large amount of bills calling for the banning of firearms. If it hasn't worked in Illinois, more specifically Chicago, then why would it work for a country that has always had the right to protect themselves? The disarmament of this country is being used so that the American People will not be capable of defending and protecting themselves and their family from the coming new world order and Antichrist.

 People in this country have become lazy, stupid, and dependent upon others to provide for them. It is time for the American People, the "We The People" in the constitution, to wake up, smell the coffee, and fight for what is rightfully theirs! If you don't, who will? What will become of this great country that God has blessed us all with? What will become of the freedoms that the founding fathers and all who have given their lives strove to keep? What will become of our lives as we know them? What will become of our children's and grandchildren's lives? What will become of The United States America?!

 As you ask yourself these questions, keep in mind what happened to the multitudes of Jews, Christians, and others who lost their lives during the reign of Hitler and Stalin all because they didn't Stand Up for what they believed.

Yours for Freedom and the Republic!
